Holiday homes for hire at tattershall lakes 

country park




By making this booking you are agreeing in full to the following Terms & Conditions. These Terms & Conditions have been produced to protect both the owner and all guests, as well as providing advice in the event of problems or disputes.
The person making the booking accepts full legal liability on behalf of all guests.

Cleared Deposit Funds must be paid to the Caravan Owner within 2 days to confirm your booking.
Failure to pay the deposit, or the balance of the costs by the agreed date, will result in the loss of your
holiday booking.


Please keep these Terms & Conditions with you during your stay as they contain important information.
These Terms & Conditions are here to protect the rights of the Caravan Owner and all the Guests. Please read them very carefully, as you are entering into a legally binding agreement.

Before your Holiday:

ARRANGE TRAVEL INSURANCE – It is highly recommended that you arrange Travel Insurance to cover all guests. This will help protect you if you need to cancel your holiday as the owner may not refund you if they are not responsible for the cancellation and are unable to re-sell it themselves.

YOU MUST NOT TRY TO SELL YOUR HOLIDAY TO SOMEONE ELSE – Only those named on the booking form will be allowed in the caravan. This means that if you have to cancel you cannot sell the holiday to someone else.

IF YOU HAVE TO CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKING – If you cannot pay the deposit or balance of the holiday, or you are unable to honour the booking for any reason whatsoever, then please contact the owner immediately. This will give them more chance to re-sell the dates and will save them having to keep chasing you. They may even be able to offer payment by instalments if you require help spreading the cost. You may need to claim on your insurance in order to obtain a refund of any monies paid.

Arriving at the Caravan:

DO NOT ARRIVE AT THE CARAVAN BEFORE THE STATED ARRIVAL TIME – You will be denied access and/or evicted. The arrival time is there to allow for cleaning and to ensure everything is ready for your stay. You are welcome to arrive on site to explore your surroundings but do not check into the caravan before 3pm.

CHECK THE CARAVAN WHEN YOU ARRIVE – If you find anything wrong please contact the owner immediately.

If anything is damaged during your stay please contact the owner immediately on 07954410699 so that they can arrange repair before the next guests.

Arrival Time: 3:00 pm
Departure Time: 10:00 am
Owner Contact Number: 07954410699

During your Holiday:

KEEP THE CARAVAN CLEAN & SECURE – You have a responsibility to leave the caravan as you first find it. Prior to your stay the caravan will have been thoroughly cleaned. Always ensure that doors and windows are locked when you are not in the caravan.

USE OF GAS & ELECTRICITY – These are provided FREE FOR FAIR USE ONLY. In the event of excessive use of either Gas and/ or Electricity you will face additional charges. If you are not sure if you may be likely to use a lot of Electricity or need new gas bottles then contact the owner immediately. Take care when the weather is cold, not to keep heating on when unattended or when rooms have reached a comfortable temperature.

DO NOT WEAR STILETTO HEELS – on any areas of soft lino as this will damage it and you will be charged for the
replacement costs.

DO NOT FEED THE GULLS or other birds on the site – Feeding birds can be dangerous and creates extra mess on the site, which may be poisonous, it also causes nuisance and risks to other people on the caravan site.

● LOOM BANDS and similar mass packaged small items
● PLASTICINE and other clay type products
● BB GUNS and other weapon type items that could cause damage or injury

● FELT TIP PENS & PAINTS - these MUST NOT be used unless there is adult supervision to ensure that there is no damage to the caravan

● You have extra guests, or pets, staying that have not been pre-registered
● You cause any nuisance to others, such as loud music or shouting
● Anyone is found to be smoking in the caravan
● You park in areas other than those approved by the caravan site
● You breach any of the rules of the caravan site
● OR breach any of the other conditions listed below

● If you have a problem with anything in the caravan.
● If anything is Broken or Damaged during your stay, as the owner may be able to arrange repair or replacement during your stay. You may be charged for repairs or replacement.

The End of your Holiday:

LEAVE THE CARAVAN CLEAN & SECURE – Prior to leaving the caravan please ensure that all kitchen equipment is clean and back in place, that all kitchen surfaces and caravan tables have been wiped clean, bins have been emptied as instructed, the floors have been left clear of mess.
The caravan should be left in the state you found it so that the cleaners don’t have to spend extra time and delay the next guests.
Failure to keep the caravan clean and tidy will result in the loss of your deposit.
Do not steal any property from the caravan or you will be charged and may face prosecution.
All doors and windows must be closed when you leave the caravan. Failure to do this risks the security of the caravan and the deposit may be withheld.
The owners/cleaners will take photographs of any mess or damage they find. Please respect their property.

DO NOT LEAVE LATER THAN THE STATED DEPARTURE TIME – You will be fined if you leave late as access is required by cleaners and the next guests may suffer delays in starting their holiday, for which they will expect compensation.

LEAVING THE CARAVAN BEFORE THE DEPARTURE DATE – If you leave the caravan before the departure date you will not be compensated unless this is due, in whole or in part, to the caravan owner being unable to provide the advertised holiday.

Damage to the caravan or its contents, or the requirement of additional cleaning due excess mess
WILL result in loss of full or partial deposit and may result in small claims court action to recover additional
charges and replacement costs.

Index of Topics

A) The Caravan Owner
B) The Booking Agent
C) The Guests
D) Booking Restrictions
E) Bookings
F) Deposit
G) Rental Charge
H) Accepted Payment Methods
I) Cancellation
J) Arrival and Departure
K) The Condition and Contents of the Caravan
L) Use of Equipment in the Caravan
M) Behaviour
N) Vehicles
O) Damage to/Loss of Property (The Caravan and/or it's contents)
P) Problems with your accommodation
Q) Early Departure
R) Public Liability Insurance
S) Private Insurance
T) Eviction from the Caravan
U) The Caravan Site
V) Disputes and Harassment
W) Blacklisting
X) Entertainment Passes
Y) Covid 19

Z) Internet Connection

Full Details

When making the booking or paying the full deposit you are confirming that you, the nominated hirer, agree to be bound by all of the following Terms & Conditions, with all other parties concerned

A) The Caravan Owner
a) The agreement is made on the understanding that the Caravan Owner will remain responsible for providing the advertised service. They will be liable to compensate the guests in the event of any failing on their behalf, that was not outside their control, in accordance with the terms detailed below.
b) The owner will ensure that the full holiday cost, including deposit is retained in an account should they be required to provide a full refund.

B) The Booking Agent
If a booking agent is used, they will be responsible for taking and confirming the booking and potentially accepting and transferring funds, subject to their agreed fees. They hold no responsibility unless due to their own failings. The agent may withdraw their services at any time, for whatever reason. The booking will not be affected by such a withdrawal.

C) The Guests
a) The nominated group leader will be subject to fines in the event of misconduct by any of the group members that is not satisfactorily resolved, as detailed below.
b) The nominated group leader accepts full responsibility and liability for the conduct of all guests should they breach any of the rules. It is their responsibility to ensure that all the guests are aware of the full details of these terms and conditions.
c) No extra guests are allowed to stay overnight in the caravan, without written permission, from the owner. You may have visitors during the day only.
d) The holiday must not be sold on to someone else. Any changes must be approved by the owner.
e) Children under the age of 16 must not be left unattended.

D) Booking Restrictions
a) Bookings will only be accepted if the hirer is at least 21 years old. An electoral roll search may be carried out by the owner or agent to confirm identity
b) NO Same sex groups - e.g. Stag and Hen parties. Family and Friends same sex groups may be accepted on request.
c) NO Pets of any kind, unless agreed at the time of booking
d) The maximum number of allowed guests may be lower than the maximum berth of the caravan. This is in order to improve the comfort of the guests and reduce wear on foldaway beds. Limits may also be added if a cot is used/required.
e) Only guests named on the booking form will be allowed in the caravan. Spot checks may be carried out and any time during the holiday. Unauthorised guests will be evicted and the remaining guests may also be evicted and forfeit the remainder of their stay, without compensation.

E) Bookings
a) The deposit must be paid within 2 days to confirm booking.
b) Provisional bookings will not be accepted under any circumstances
c) Full Names and Ages of all persons staying in the caravan are required at time of booking
d) Full rental charge is due 4 weeks before holiday, otherwise the booking will be cancelled and the deposit not refunded
e) If booking via an agent the agreement is still made between the Guest and Caravan Owner. The booking agent will not be liable for any failings that are not their own wrong doing.

F) Deposit
a) The security bond must be paid in full to secure booking, this is in addition to the Rental Charge
b) The deposit charge is £75 per booking
c) In the event of cancellation the bond will not be refunded under any circumstances, unless cancelled by the caravan owner due to their inability to honour the booking.
d) Bonds will be returned within 7 days after the caravan has been checked, unless, there has been a breach of any of the conditions by any of the guests.
Such as, but not limited to including:
i. Section C - additional guests staying overnight
ii. Section D - breaching booking restrictions
iii. Section I - damage to, or theft of, contents, breach of security, etc
iv. Section J - improper use of equipment
v. Section K - unreasonable behaviour
vi. Section L - leaving after the agreed departure time
vii. Section N - damage to the caravan or its contents
viii. Section T - you have been evicted from the caravan for any reason
e) Part deposits will not secure dates and will not be returned
f) There will be a deduction of any delivery charges to return items that have
been left behind plus a admin fee of £10 for our time to package items and take them to the post office for postage

G) Rental Charge
a) This is in addition to the the bond and must be paid no later than 4 weeks before the holiday. Payment will be required in full if booking less that 4 weeks before start of holiday
b) In the event that the holiday is not paid for in full 4 weeks before the holiday will be cancelled and the dates released for re-sale.
c) Instalment options may be offered by the owner, however the full total must be paid on time
d) Payments will not be accepted on the day of arrival under any circumstances.

H) Accepted Payment Methods

a) Cash or Bank Transfer.
Always include your surname as reference when making payments

I) Cancellation

a) The booking will be cancelled if:

  • The full deposit is not received within 2 days of booking
  • The rental charge is not received within 4 weeks of the start of the holiday

b) The deposit will not be refunded under any circumstances unless the caravan owner is unable to provide the caravan for the dates booked
c) If cancelled by you before the holiday the full cost will be lost, including your deposit. A partial refund may be offered at the discretion of the owner if the holiday is resold.

J) Arrival and Departure

a) You MUST NOT arrive at the caravan before the check in time stated by the owner. You will be denied access to the caravan if you arrive early.
b) You MUST be out of the caravan by the check out time stated by the owner. Your deposit may be used to compensate the next guests if you leave late.
c) Keys will be available as advised by the caravan owner. You will be liable for replacing locks and all sets of keys if the keys are lost.
d) The caravan owner will not be responsible if you cut your holiday short, unless caused by problems with the caravan that the owner has not been able to rectify.

K) The Condition and Contents of the Caravan

a) No smoking at any time, of any kind inside the caravan
b) Use of drugs is forbidden both in the caravan and on site
c) NO property of any kind is to be removed from the caravan
d) If pets have been in the caravan it must be kept clean and hoovered on departure so it's free from dog hair
e) Pets are not allowed in bedrooms or on beds due to dog hair
f) Safety equipment, such as Smoke Alarms and Fire Extinguishers must not be tampered with, including removal of batteries from Smoke Alarms
g) Naked flame products, such as Candles and Barbeques, must not be used in the caravan or on the decking Disposable Barbeques must only be used on the grass at the side of the caravan
h) All rooms must be left in the same clean, tidy condition as they were found in
i) You are responsible for the security of the caravan during your booking
j) Windows and Doors must be locked securely when you are not in the caravan.

Breach of any of these rules will result in you eviction from the site, loss of deposit and further legal action if necessary

L) Use of Equipment in the Caravan

a) You are agreeing to the safe use of all equipment in the Caravan
b) The holiday is self catering, so you will need to provide your own food
c) All utilities (Gas, Electricity & Water) are included in the overall cost, on a fair use basis
In the event of excessive use, such as leaving the heating on all the time, without the owner's prior consent, you may be charged an excess to cover the additional charges incurred
d) If you are unsure how to use any of the equipment provided then contact the owner immediately. Do not attempt to use anything you are unsure about.
e) The caravan owner will not be considered liable for any injury caused by improper use of any equipment.
f) Faulty equipment must be reported immediately, You must not use any equipment you do not consider to be in perfect condition.
g) Any claims of injury must be reported to the Caravan owner immediately
h) Claims will be thoroughly investigated and prosecution may be sought in the event of fraudulent claims

M) Behaviour

a) You have a duty of care towards other site guests and as such must not cause nuisance either verbally or by excessive music, etc.
b) Whilst alcohol is permitted, it is expected that all guests conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times and remain civil towards the other guests and other site users.
c) Children must be kept under control at all times. This includes whilst in the caravan or whilst using and services provided by the caravan site.
d) In the event that dogs have been allowed, they must be kept on a lead at all times, whilst on the caravan site. They must not cause distress to any other persons on the site.

Breach of any of these rules will result in eviction from the site, loss of deposit and further legal action if necessary.

N) Vehicles

a) You leave your vehicle and contents on site at your own risk. Neither the caravan owner, nor the caravan site, will accept responsibility for damage or loss, unless by their negligence.
b) The caravan site speed limit must be respected at all times
c) All drivers must hold a Valid Driving Licence, Insurance, MOT and Road Tax
d) Electric/Hybrid vehicles MUST NOT be charged from the Caravan, as this is excessive use of electricity and you will be fined.

O) Damage to/Loss of Property (The Caravan and/or it's contents):

a) Please report any accidents, losses or damages caused by you or your party as soon as possible to enable us to respond to the circumstances. Smaller items may be replaced by yourselves if you wish, but the item(s) must be ‘like for like’ or part or all your deposit may be kept to cover, or contribute to replacement costs.
b) Where the damage exceeds the deposit then necessary action will be taken to seek full compensation, which may included additional charges
c) In the event that you are not happy with the response from the owner then you must seek legal advice, as this will protect the rights of both you and the caravan owner.

P) Problems with your accommodation

a) You must report any problems immediately, to the caravan owner, sending photos when possible.
b) You must give the caravan owner a fair and reasonable opportunity to rectify problems or offer suitable compensation.
c) In the event that you are not happy with the response from the owner then you must seek legal advice, as this will protect the rights of both you and the caravan owner.
d) You must not make comments, or post photographs or videos in any public domain, such as Facebook or Twitter, as any such action could be considered defamatory and leave you at risk of prosecution. Even posting on your own private pages is not recommended as anyone can copy and share without your permission.

Q) Early Departure

If you leave the caravan before the agreed departure date, you will not receive any compensation, unless the caravan owner has failed to provide the advertised holiday. Situations beyond the control of the owner will not be considered as fair reason for refund.

R) Public Liability Insurance

a) Names and Ages of all persons staying in the caravan are required to validate insurance
b) Only named persons may stay in the caravan otherwise any insurance claims will be invalid
c) Changes to approved guests may be made at the discretion of the caravan owner
d) Non-approved guests will be denied access to the caravan or if they have been given access all guests will be asked to vacate the caravan immediately

S) Private Insurance

a) The owner’s Public Liability Insurance only gives very limited protection.
b) Your home insurance may cover you and your belongings whilst you are on holiday. It is unlikely to cover: Accidents, Medical Expenses or Losses due to delays or cancellation.
c) We strongly recommend that you take out Holiday Insurance to cover these exemptions. These policies are available quite cheaply from most insurance brokers.

T) Eviction from the Caravan

a) You will be evicted from the Caravan, by the caravan owner or caravan site management, and your deposit will not be refunded in the event of, but not limited to:
i. Unreasonable behaviour by any of the guests
ii. Additional, unregistered guests being found in the caravan
iii. Smoking in or damage to the caravan or any of its contents
iv. Unauthorised pets being taken into the Caravan

U) The Caravan Site

a) The caravan owner is not responsible for any of the services and facilities provided by the caravan site.
b) The site owners may vary services and facilities at short notice.
c) You should visit the website for full site details and their complaints procedures if you have any problems with anything they offer or fail to provide.
This includes site wide power loss, closure of entertainment areas, etc
d) You are also bound by the rules of the caravan site. These can be obtained from their website or from Reception upon arrival.
e) Breaching the Site Rules may result in eviction from the site and termination of your holiday
f) The caravan owner will not be liable to compensate you in the event of any dispute with the site, unless it has been caused by the action of the caravan owner.
g) Any passes purchased remain the property of the site owners, not the caravan owner.
Conditions of use of the passes may be changed at any time.
h) We as owners are not responsible for any surrounding activities i.e. planes flying at the local RAF base and night times etc. It is down to the guests to fully research all activities surrounding your holiday home.

V) Disputes and Harassment

a) In the event of disputes then a third party may be consulted in order to resolve matters
b) Repeated/abusive telephone calls, text messages, written correspondence or other contact will not be tolerated
c) By agreeing to these terms you will not threaten legal action in the event that the deposit is not returned due to any breach of these rules. Any such action will be considered harassment
d) You will be liable for any additional costs incurred as a result of any breach of these rules

W) Blacklisting

a) In the event of non-payment, late departure, damage or breach of any conditions then future bookings may be rejected by us and other caravan owners.
b) In order to comply with the Data Protection Act, any response you provide will be published along with the details of your actions.

X) Entertainment Passes

a) Entertainment Passes are NOT included in the Booking
b) Guests must inform the caravan owner if passes are required, these now have to be purchased by the caravan owner on the guests behalf.
c) Passes will not be purchased until payment has been received from the guest to the caravan owner
d) The caravan owner cannot be held responsible for problems associated with passes. For example guests not being able to book activities or access to the complex
e) It is the guests responsibility to check what is open and closed on park . In the winter months the park facilities may be closed or only operate at weekends. Please contact the park direct to check .

Y) Covid 19

a) The caravan owner is not responsible for the guest not being able to access the holiday booked due to the pandemic. The caravan owner will offer alternative dates and work with the lead Booker. A date change will only be offered if the park is closed due to a national lockdown.
b) If the lead booker decides they cannot go because of other party members not being able to go this decision will be to the discretion of the caravan owner . The lead booker is the only one on the contract of booking.
c) The caravan owner is not responsible for the activities on park that may be reduced due to the pandemic.

Z) Internet Connection

a) The caravan owner cannot be held responsible for the internet connection. An unlimited private Wi-Fi connection is provided in the caravan via a router. Due to being in rural Lincolnshire and high usage when the park is busy, the internet connection can be slow or even non existent. This is a complimentary service only and the caravan owner will not be held responsible if it's not available.


  • · All Park grounds are communal for use by all owners or other lawful guests of the park. The area of land is designated for use by the caravan      owner will generally be determined as the side of the caravan on which the doors open.
  • · Vehicles are limited to 2 per caravan and these must be parked in the parking space/gravel drive provided. The speed limit on park is 10mph        and must be observed at all times.
  • · Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times, also pick up after your dog at all times. Dogs that present a serious danger to the public as described    under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or any equivalent succeeding legislation are not allowed on the park under any circumstances.
  • · Refuse must be disposed of in the relevant bins provided; only domestic waste is acceptable for disposal in these bins. Any other waste must        be disposed of in an appropriate manner.
  • · All park guests are to ensure roads on park are to be kept clear and free from obstruction at all times to ensure access for emergency/park        vehicles.
  • · No ball games are allowed anywhere on park grounds apart from designated areas.
  • · Noise must be kept to a minimum at all times and please be respectful to your neighbours.



  • · Due to new changes on HSE Hot Tub Safety Requirements we have to fully drain down, sterilise and refill the Hot Tub after every changeover of    guests.
  • · This will mean that the Hot Tub MAY NOT be up to temperature until the morning after your arrival. We can only apologise if this is the case our    guests health and safety is very important to us.
  • · When not in use please replace the cover with care to keep the tub up to temperature.
  • · Please ensure all Guests using the Hot Tub read the HOT TUB RULES AND HOT TUB GUIDELINES which are located by the Hot Tub, carefully          abide by them at ALL TIMES.


1. Do not use the Hot Tub if you have used Spray Tan or Sun Creams as this will cloud the Hot Tub water and block the Filter. Failure to do so will mean the Hot Tub will have to be emptied, refilled and re dosed at the cost of your Refundable Damage Deposit.

2. Please ensure you rinse down with just plain water (No Soap) in the shower before you enter the Hot Tub.

3. No Food, Drink or Glass wear to be used inside the Hot Tub. 

4. Pregnant Women and Young Children under 4 years old are not allowed in the tub AT ANY TIME and/or people suffering ill health should consult their GP before entering the Hot Tub.

5. People with Alcohol, Drugs or Medication (that causes drowsiness) in their system should not enter the Hot Tub

6. 15 Minute Maximum use at any time with a 15 minute break before rinsing down and re-entering

7. Please remove and replace the cover carefully when not in use and for your own safety.


9. No Pets are allowed in the Hot Tub AT ANY TIME.

10. Make sure that the water level stays above the jets, please use the garden hose provided to top the water to just above the jets if needed.

11. Maximum bathers load 6 people & Please take extra care when around the Hot Tub and on the decking area as it becomes Slippery when wet.